Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hello Everyone -
Our current situation in America continues to deteriorate. Indeed, very rapidly.
1) There is speculation of double-dip inflation.

2) Hyperinflation grows louder.
3) Another banking crisis? To quote, "When you owe a million dollars, you have a problem. When you ow a billion dollars, the bank has a problem".
4) Gold and Silver have hit their highest levels (so far). This means the dollar is crashing.
Alan Greenspan told the Council on Foreign Relations recently that gold represents the ultimate means of payment which means the recent record-breaking prices are "a signal there is a problem with respect to currency markets and the recent surge in prices, according to the Maestro, is "the canary in the coal mine to keep an eye on".

5) Finally, according to last year's data, 43.6 million Americans fell below the official poverty thresh hold. For all the folks that don't know how to divide, that figure equates to 14.3% of the nation, or worse yet, ONE IN SEVEN OF US.

Continue to purchase Gold and Silver.

Continue to stock food. This is the most important of all. I just came across a 28 year old company called SUNDANCE GLOBAL that is currently offering FREE food. Register and receive a FREE product package. This food is first class. Here are some facts:

1) Foods are dehydrated from #1 grade fresh raw foods.
2) No genetically altered food.
3) No MSG.
4) No imports from countries using illegal fertilizers and insecticides.
5) No hydrogenated oils.
7) Foods are packed FRESH.
8) FREE packets contain enough for 6-10 meals.

These are great for Camping, Backpacking, Hunting, First Responder Emergencies, Survivalists, Emergency Preparations and just general great meals.

Go to the following web site and register for your FREE Packet. For every two people you tell about this who do the same, you will get $20 more in Food.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

On June 2nd, 2010, I had a heart attack! Fortunately, it was considered a "small" attack. I had two "stints" put in and am well on my way to recovery. Too many years of McDonald's Burgers and Fries, Taco Bell, cakes, pies, candy and ice cream (All of which I love!) I now have more years behind me than ahead. I have always been ready to "exit" as I have from childhood believed in eternal life through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and as He said, "No man comes to the Father except through Me". That is my belief and faith.

The things previously stated a year ago have been coming to fruition. I have seen over my lifetime the decline and fall of the United States of America. I'm afraid I will live to see the total collapse of the economy and thus, the way of life enjoyed all these years. I have made my preparations and continue to do so.

Most people have the attitude that the country has always come through the toughest situations and will do so now. I don't think so. I think we will go as Rome, Greece or any of the other great nations of the past, and it will happen very rapidly.

So make your preparations: Get out of debt, buy silver and gold, have a food storage system in place, get a water purification system in place and buy a gun(s) for protection.

Larry DeWein